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Appeal To The Stone

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Appeal To The Stone

The Appeal to the Stone is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone dismisses an argument or claim as absurd, ridiculous, or unworthy of serious consideration without providing any evidence or logical reasoning to support their dismissal. This type of fallacy is also known as the argumentum ad lapidem, which means argument to the stone in Latin. The name of this fallacy comes from the ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, who was accused of arguing with stones instead of people. The Appeal to the Stone fallacy is often used as a defensive tactic by people who are unable or unwilling to engage in a rational discussion or debate. Instead of addressing the merits of the argument or claim, they simply dismiss it as foolish or absurd. This type of fallacy is particularly common in political debates, where opponents often resort to name-calling and personal attacks rather than engaging in a substantive discussion of the issues. One of the dangers of the Appeal to the Stone fallacy is that it can be used to silence dissenting voices and stifle free speech. By dismissing an argument or claim as unworthy of serious consideration, people can avoid having to confront uncomfortable truths or engage in difficult conversations. This can lead to a breakdown in communication and a lack of progress on important issues. To avoid falling prey to the Appeal to the Stone fallacy, it is important to remain open-minded and willing to engage in a rational discussion of the issues. Instead of dismissing an argument or claim out of hand, take the time to carefully consider the evidence and logic behind it. By doing so, you can help ensure that important issues are discussed openly and honestly, and that all voices are heard.

logical fallacy, argumentum ad lapidem, dismissive, defensive tactic, political debates, free speech, open-minded, evidence, logic

Michael Taylor

Appeal To The Stone

Appeal To The Stone is a logical fallacy, which means it is an argument that may seem convincing but is actually based on a false assumption. It's like if someone was trying to prove that an 8-year-old was wrong and they said, Well, that's just the way it is, without giving any evidence to back it up. This kind of argument is not valid because it relies on an assumption that cannot be proven. It's like trying to move a big stone with your bare hands - no matter how hard you try, it won't move.

Logical fallacy, cognitive bias, faulty reasoning, invalid argument.

Thomas Lee

Appeal To The Stone

The Appeal to the Stone is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone makes a claim that is based on an unprovable assumption. This type of logical fallacy is also known as an argumentum ad lapidem. It is a type of cognitive bias that involves the use of an irrational argument to support a claim. This type of bias is used to support a claim without any evidence or logical proof. The Appeal to the Stone fallacy is often used in an attempt to persuade someone to accept an idea without any logical evidence or reasoning. It is an argument that is based on a false assumption or belief.

Appeal to the Stone, Cognitive Bias, Logical Fallacies, False Assumptions, Irrational Argument, Unprovable Assumption.

Jessica Adams

CITATION : "Jessica Adams. 'Appeal To The Stone.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 12, 2024)"

Appeal To The Stone Definition
Appeal To The Stone on Design+Encyclopedia

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