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Agricultural Limestone

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Agricultural Limestone

Agricultural limestone, also known as aglime, is a type of rock that is commonly used to improve soil fertility and crop production in agriculture. It is composed primarily of calcium carbonate, which is derived from the remains of ancient marine organisms that have accumulated over millions of years. Agricultural limestone is typically mined from quarries and then crushed into small particles that can be spread over fields using specialized equipment. The primary function of agricultural limestone is to neutralize soil acidity, which can be detrimental to plant growth and nutrient uptake. When soil becomes too acidic, it can cause essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to become less available to plants. Agricultural limestone works by reacting with the acid in the soil to form calcium and magnesium ions, which are essential plant nutrients. This process also helps to release other nutrients that may be trapped in the soil, making them more available to plants. In addition to its soil-neutralizing properties, agricultural limestone also provides other benefits to crops. It can improve soil structure, making it easier for plant roots to penetrate and access nutrients. It can also increase water retention in the soil, reducing the risk of drought stress. Agricultural limestone can also help to reduce soil erosion by stabilizing soil particles and reducing runoff. Overall, agricultural limestone is an important tool for farmers and growers looking to improve soil fertility and crop production. Its ability to neutralize soil acidity and provide essential nutrients to plants makes it a valuable resource for sustainable agriculture.

aglime, soil acidity, nutrient uptake, soil structure, water retention

Brian Walker

CITATION : "Brian Walker. 'Agricultural Limestone.' Design+Encyclopedia. (Accessed on May 10, 2024)"

Agricultural Limestone Definition
Agricultural Limestone on Design+Encyclopedia

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